Unlock invaluable insights about your market

We're experts at speaking to your target market, finding answers to the questions you wish you had the answers to, and helping you put these insights into action

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"The ROI we've got from DIG has been ridiculous" 

- Softshare, B2B Saas Company

Book a discovery call 

Find out how we can unlock insights that help your business thrive

Unlock invaluable insights about your market

We're experts at speaking to your target market and finding the answers to any questions you wish you had the answers to

All rights reserved DIG Research 2023

All rights reserved DIG Research 2023

"The ROI we've got from DIG has been ridiculous" 

Book a discovery call 

Remove blindspots and uncertainty from your strategy, marketing and sales decisions 

Whether you need to decide between different strategies, want to understand a product's performance better, generate more leads or make more sales, we will engage with prospects in your target market to get the insights you need. 

Remove blindspots and uncertainty from your strategy, marketing and sales decisions 

Make Sure Your Demo's 'Land' 

Give either recorded or live demos to decision makers in your target market to get constructive, actionable feedback that helps ensure your demo's convert. 

Read our case studies

Stay One Step Ahead of the Competition and Win More Deals

We match you with one (or many) decision makers from companies similar to those you are pitching to help you create the perfect pitch.  


1:1 Consultations to prep you on what's important, market trends, competitive landscape, willingness to pay, what wins deals and more...

Review your proposal and receive actionable feedback and advice.

Get feedback on your pitch while you still have the chance to improve it.



What Impression Does Your Website & Marketing Give to Prospects?

The minute you start working at a company, you become blind to the impression that you give to prospects. We will help you find out what impression prospects have about your marketing, so you can 'get it right'.

Find out, based on marketing materials, which vendor your target market would choose.

Visual design & branding feedback 

Positioning & problem statement feedback 

Copywriting feedback 

Feature comparisons with key competitors 


Make Better Product Development & Strategy Decisions 

Whether you're entering a new country, sector or business line, insights from your buyers can ensure you position your offering perfectly. 

Test new product or service concepts 

Assess willingness to pay 

Understand pain points 

Understand poriorities and challenges 

Anticipated areas of growth 

Market trends 

Decide between different pricing models or product strategies 

Book a callRead our case studies

Understand how your prospects find new vendors 

Find out which channels are most likely to get them to engage 

Understand key pain points & trends to use in your copy

Remove the guesswork and find out exactly how to capture your prospects attention in a way that makes them want to engage. 

Generate More Leads


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From struggle to surging sales: How we helped our client unlock market insights that generate an additional 6-figures/month in sales

Read case study

Case Studies

Mastering the demo: How targeted insights tripled the conversion rate of our client's sales process

Read case study

Cracking the Code: How buyer insights boosted ad engagement 5X for a high-growth software firm

Read case study